Friday, March 4, 2011

We All Fall Down Disscution Quetion #5

Hello and welcome to my blog blogger buddies. Welcome Kelly , Brandon,Zuhair,Jatinder.

My Question for my group members of "We all fall Down" is what do you think Will's reaction when he saw the Asian lady under that heavy filing cabinet? Put your self in his position.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Liturature Circle Responces

Copy down a quote from a character and explain why you think it's meaningful. What does it suggest about this character's personality? Personal qualities? Etc. Explain your thinking.

"Now we have to deside  what were going to do"

That quote thats up there is from wills father and what i think it suggest's about him is he is a  very calm and scared and worried person because there was a Airplane crash in there building and there was a fire below them and he was really worried like i sadi in my other post about will how he wouldnt care about wills saftey and he actully did worry about Wills saftey and all he could thik of is how him and Will would get out of the building  with out the help of the fire men casue Will seen 2 people jump out of the window and and Will was to fritend to look what happend casue he thinks he knew what happend.. To be honest I wold be  scared to.

What were your feelings and first impressions after reading the opening chapters of this book? Explain 

My feelings after reading the opening chapter to this book is pretty good because after reading the opening chapter I really started to like this book and belive me thats a big thing for me cause i ussaly  dont read. But my feelings are pretty solid about this book becasue it has tragic things happen its dramatic and its also actiony with like fire and stuff like plain crashes.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Copy down a quote from a character and explain why you think it's meaningful. What does it suggest about this character's personality? Personal qualities? Etc. Explain your thinking.

"That should work" Wills Dad says
What it describes about Wills Dad is he is a hard working person who practicly runs or owns the place and he is also a big guy in the buissness and he company.

Do the characters seem real and believable? Can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know? 

Yes they do because like will i had to go to my dads work one time and let me tell you i thought it was going to be so boring but as soon as i got there it was so fun cause i got to help him with some stuff on the busses and i also got a free ride on tthe bus cause my dad works on them.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ethical Gift Giving

Hi my name is Aaron as I said in my  first blog and  my class and i are doing a project on Ethical Gift Giving we got 100 dollars to start buying stuff for people that really need it.We didn't really get 100 dollars but i wish we really could have. The orginizaton  i picked is Oxfam i think Oxfam is the best becasue it has stuff that people can really use and other orginizations have raidos.If i had to choose clean drinking water over a raido i would definitly choose the water.The other reason I chose Oxfam is becasue it also has the more affordible prices.

The  first gift i chose was safe water because for all those people who get really sick from bad drinking water and do get a very of diseases becasue of the water and they deserve better becasue they are people to.My second gift is a goat so they can feed there babies with the goats milk and in my mind i think that is still no fair cause we get  really good milk like 1% or 2 precent and they are both healthy and so is gots milk but i dont think its as healthy as ours. My third gift would be to plant trees so they can have shade on a really hot summers day and so there animal have homes too.

Safe water- $22




now me and matthew have $45 in total so im going to let metthew spend it now

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hi bloggers my name is Aaron and i am going to talk about bullying,discrimination and rasism first of im going to talk about bullying.Bullying happens every wear in our community,schools and even at you own home! Do you know how it happens at home say you have a older sibling and all the do is mock you or beat you up it may be a form of love but its still bullying. Next im going to talk about Discrimonation like when someone has a different skin colour and you say no you cant play because your different skin colour or you dont have a a ponytail so your not cool and trust me discrimination hurts alot more then bullying in my opinion.Now for rasism is a form of bullying because say somone makes a really funny joke to every body but you cause your that race ya there being raceist and it really hurts alot more then any form of bullying or discrimination and that is pacticly what it is so yeah heres the link to Ke$ha's youtube vid

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The "Golden" Rule

Hey bloggers!!!
Today's assignment is to answer a couple of question about The Golden Rule.The reason I put quotes around it is because I am against that Rule.If somone is mean to you what would you do to them.Would you accept it or stand up for yourself.The message of the golden rule is treat others how you'd  want to be treated or do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.The reason we somtimes dont behave according to the Golden Rule is because sometimes people take it upon themselves to make up and follow there own rules.It would be boring if everybody  followed the golden rule because life wouldn't be the same if if everybody was a goody goody.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello bloggers out there today im gonna blog about the Xylophone as we all know the Xylophone is pretty awesome and its also in the percussion family.The clef that this instrument plays in is Treble beacause this instrument is pretty much the same as the piano so there for it is the treble clef.This instrument originated in Aisa and Africa.The way you make a sound on this instrument is since most of the Xylophone keys are metal yo hit it with a plastic mallet.The way you assemble it is you put it together like the Marimba as you seen in my resent blog.The way you clean it is you clean it is you out sterilize it is you put cleaner on a paper towel sheet and wipe the keys.You wipe it then dry and then ut away.